« Underground music comprises a range of different musical genres that operate outside of mainstream culture. Such music may tend to express common ideals, such as high regard for sincerity and intimacy, freedom of creative expression as opposed to the highly formulaic composition of commercial music, and appreciation of artistic individuality as opposed to conformity to current mainstream trends. »



Salut ma gang de malade de ce qui bûche! Ondes Chocs vous offre une liste des groupes heavy du Québec pour ensuite explorer le reste du Canada. Comme rien ne peut être parfait, on se fie sur vous pour rameuter le plus de groupes possibles pour que la scène québécoise se connaisse et partage. Keep trashing!!


Цар Стангра– (Métal) Québec

1837– (Folk/Black) Gatineau

3 Mile Scream– (Metal) Montréal

A Beast Within– (Punk Psycho) Québec  RIP – 2013

A Wasted Sacrifice– (Hardcore) Montréal

Ab Irato– (Hardcore) Montréal

Abitabyss– (Death/Grind/Black) Ste-Germaine-Boulé

Aborgnon– (Black metal/rock crossover) Québec

Abort the Child– (Deathcore progressif) Montréal

About Sky and Earth– (Metalcore) Lévis

Above the Grey– (Metalcore) Rimouski

Absconder – (Metalcore) Montréal

Absence of Truth– (Metalcore) Pintendre

Abyssed– (Punk/Thrash) Montréal

A Cascade Dream– (Metalcore/Thrash) Montréal 

Acédia– (Black) Québec

Achigan– (Punkrock) Québec

Act of Disorder– (Crust/Grind) Montréal

Action Sédition– (Punk/Oï) Montréal

Aenator– (Métal électronique) Montréal

Aeons of Twilight– (Black métal mélodique) Rouyn-Noranda

AesthSherbrooke      RIP 31 juillet 2012

Aenygmist(Melodic Black) Drummondville     RIP 2013

Aeternam (Death) Québec

Ageless Madness (HardRock) Drummondville

Ages– (Blackened Death métal) Montréal

A Gunshot Ride– (Rock/Metalcore) Thetford Mines

A Hitman’s Business– (Deathcore) Sherbrooke

Akitsa– (Black) Montréal

AlanRise– (Metalcore) Laval

Alcoholator– (Thrash) Montréal

A Life Forsaken– (Hardcore) Granby

All Day– (Hardcore) Saint-George

All Humans– (Hardrock) Lanaudière

All In Pain– (Metal) Shawinigan

All These Days– (Metal) Pont-Rouge

Along the Wires– (Metalcore) Mascouche/Montréal/Terrebonne RIP

Alpthtraum– (Symphonic metal) Montréal

Althotas– (Black/Death/Thrash) Sept-Îles

Aly the Band– (Punk rock hardcore) LaBaie au Saguenay

Amarah– (Post-Doom/Métal) Montréal

Amenophis– (Black) Québec

Âmes Sanglantes– (Black) Montréal

A Misleading Insight– (Post-Hardcore/ Metalcore) Québec

Aeva– (Métal expérimental) Sherbrooke

Amongst Heroes– (Hardcore/Metalcore) Montréal

Anal Easter– (Pornogoregrind) Saguenay

Ancestors Revenge– (Melodic Death/Black) Québec

Ancient Niggurath– (Post-Black) Trois-Rivières

Angels Can Kill– (Metal) Saguenay

Animals– (Djentcore) Montréal

Animals Ethics Inc.– (Industrial metal) Montréal

Anonymus– (Thrash) Montréal

Apocalyptic Fear– (Death Metal) Trois-Rivières

Approach Kingdom– (Metalcore/Screamo) Granby/Montréal

April Deadline– (Alternatif/Punk/Métal) Repentigny

Apvth (Black metal) Montréal

AraPacis (Hard rock/Doom/Progressif) Montréal

Archetype (Thrash/prog) Montréal

Archseraph– (Christian Grindcore) Québec

Archons (Death métal mélodique) Rouyn-Noranda   RIP 17 mars 2013

Arimane (Thrash/Death Metal) Montréal 

Arise Horror– (Death) Montréal

Arme au Poing– (Punk/Hardcore) Beloeil

Arsenal of Empties (Thrash/Grind/Hardcore) Montréal/Windsor, Ontario

Ashtray– (Hardrock/Metal) Montréal

Ashtray Heart– (Punk & Roll) Montréal

As They Turn From Praise– (Hardcore) Montréal

Astral Suffocation– (Neoclassical Electrometal) Rive sud de Montréal

Atheretic– (Death) Montréal

A Thousand Years(Metalcore) Sherbrooke

Atma Sphacelus (Black) Québec

Atomic Threat– (Alternative) Montréal

Atonement– (Black/Death metal) Montréal

Atroce (Death/thrash) Québec

Attrition (Progressive Death) Québec

Au-delà des Ruines– (Métal Noir) Québec

Augury– (Progressive Death) Montréal

Aversion (Black Metal) Montréal

Awaken All Men– (Metalcore) Québec

Away From Fate– (Metalcore) Sherbrooke RIP 2012

Away to Die– (Deathcore mélodique) Vald ‘Or

A World of Children– (Metal/Djent) Montréal

Axellion– (Symphonic Power metal) Montréal  RIP 2013

Backseat Effect– (Punkrock/Hardcore) Montréal

BackStabber– (Death) Rouyn-Noranda

Bamboo Diet– (Psychedelic Progressif Punk) Montréal

Bane– (Black/Death) Montréal

Banned From Heaven– (Melodic Death) Gatineau

Barbaric Penetration– (Brutal Grind) Montréal

BARF– (Hardcore/Thrash) Montréal

Barn Burner– (Stoner) Montréal  RIP avril 2013

Basalte– (Black Métal) Montréal

Beast Within– (Doom) Québec

Beautiful Sadness– (Darkwave/Electrometal) Montréal RIP 2012

Before it’s too Late– (Punk/Oï) Trois-Rivières

Beheading of a King– (Progressive metal) Montréal

Behold the Nation– (Groove Metal) Québec  RIP 2014

Behind The Revolver– (Metalcore) Québec

Beneath a Crimson Sky– (Progressive Metalcore) Montréal

Beneath the Massacre– (Death) Montréal

Better Ways– (Hardcore) Rimouski

Between 11– (Progressive Metal) Montréal

Between Gates of Ivory– (Deathcore technique) Saguenay

Beyond Creation– (Progressive Death) Montréal

Beyond Deviation– (Deathcore) Gatineau

Beyond Fiction– (Melodic Death) Jonquière

Beyond our Faith– (Hardcore/Metalcore/Screamo) Québec

Bierzeit– (Melodic Death) Québec

Biological Monstrosity– (Goregrind) Longueuil

Bird Problems– (Post-Hardcore) Montréal

Black Empire– (Black) Rouyn-Noranda

Blackguard (Epic Metal) Montréal

Black Khox– (Southern/Stoner) Québec

Black Pearl– (Melodic hardcore) Rimouski RIP

Blackscorn– (Black) Montréal/Sherbrooke

Blackwind– (Black) Québec

Bleeding Fury– (Groove Metal) St-Hubert

Blessed by a Broken Heart– (Metal) Montréal

Blight– (Black) Montréal

Blinded By Faith– (Death) Lévis

Blind Reflexion– (Metalcore/Hardcore) Québec

Blind Suffering– (Métal progressif) St-Hyacynthe

Blind Witness– (Metalcore) Granby RIP août 2012

Bludgeoned– (Metal/Punk/Stoner) Montréal

Blue Daven’s Code– (Hardrock) Québec

Bombnation– (Old School Thrash/Crossover) Québec       RIP 2014

Bonded By Strength– (Thrash Metal) Gatineau

Bookakee– (Progressive Gore Melodic Brutal Death Metal) Montréal

Born As A Sinner– (Post Hardcore) Montréal

BornBroken– (Thrashcore) Montréal

Boulimik Foodfight– (Punk/Hardcore) Beloeil

Braebrook– (Metalcore) Montréal

Branded by Pain (Thrashcore) Montréal 

Brazen Hell– (Hardcore/Punk) Sherbrooke

Break Out– (Hardcore) Saguenay

Breaking the Cycle– (Death/Thrash mélodique) Beloeil

Brief Respite– (Death mélodique) Mont-Tremblant 

Brimstone & Fire– (World beat death fusion) Montréal

Broken Bounds– (Hardcore) Rimouski

Broken Words– (Hardcore mélodique) Québec

Brought by Pain– (Progressive Death) Montréal myspace.com/broughtbypain

Brume d’Automne– (Metal Noir) Montréal

Buffalo Theory MTL– (Sludge/Stoner Rock) Montréal

Bumper– (Southern Metalcore) Thetford Mines

Buried by Tomorrow– (Post-Hardcore/Metalcore) Montréal RIP août 2012

Burn Again– (Hardcore) Gatineau

Burning the Oppressor– (Death/Thrash) Montréal

Butchery Cadaverous– (Death) Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean

ButterButtButler– (Humoristic Death/Thrash) Québec

Cadaverine(ex-Necronikon) (Slow Death) Montréal

Call of Saints– (Rockmetal) Montréal

Calvaire!– (Metal) Laval

Camalus– (Metalcore) Montréal

Canceric– (Thrash) Montréal

Cannibal Jo– (Dark Gothic Metal) Montréal

Carbonized 16 Year Old Victim (Gore Grind/Death) Montréal

Cardinals Pride– (Metalcore/Hardcore) Québec

Carey– (Hardcore/Post-Hardcore)  East Broughton

Castigare– (Death) Montréal

Catuvolcus– (Gaul Black Metal) Warwick

Cebum– (Punkrock) Montréal myspace.com/cebum

Cellrot– (Industriel/electro/experimental) Montréal 

Cementary– (Death) Québec

Cephalysm– (Brutal Death) Montréal

Cerberia– (Black/Death mélodique) Chicoutimi

Change My Brain With Cakes (Alternative Metal) Quebec

Chainsaw Armageddon– (Metal) Montréal

Chaos Catharsis– (Black/Death) Québec

Chaotic Disease– (Street Punk) St-Hubert

Chariots of the Gods– (Epic) Gatineau/Hull

Chasse-Galerie– (Métal noir) Québec

Chemical Way– (Crossover/Thrash) Châteauguay

Chomp– (Thrash, Hardcore, Crossover) Montréal 

Chthe’ilist– (Cryptic Death) Longueuil/McMasterville

Chucks Nation– (Punkrock) Montréal

C.H.U.D.– (Horror grind) Montréal/Gatineau

Citizen Vicious– (Kick Ass) Saint-Isidore

Circle Pit Commando– (Brutal Black/Death) Montréal

Close 2 Hell– (Death/Thrash) Montréal

Clotix– (Black métal) Saint-Pamphile

Cold Anger– (Groove metal) Repentigny

Cold North– (Post-rock) Québec

Cold Will– (Death) Montréal

Comatmebro– (Post-Black) Sherbrooke

ComeOnRangers– (Hardcore) Montréal

Compass– (Hardcore mélodique) Montréal

Conquer the Rotted– (Death) Rimouski

Conrad Simon Band– (Instrumental Metal) Montréal

Consilium– (Death) Châteauguay

Contemplator– (Instrumental Progressive Technical Metal) Québec

Continental– (Hardcore) Sherbrooke

Copperfield– (Hardcore) Rouyn-Noranda

Cortisol– (Doom/Thrash/Progressive) Montréal

Cosmic Embryo– (Grindcore) Montréal

Crashing Lights– (Metal/Rock) Québec

Crépuscule– (Black) Québec

Criss Dain Band– (Hardrock/Metal) Québec

Crooked Jacks– (Punk) Sherbrooke

Croque-Mort– (Horror Death/Grind) Hull

CrossEnd– (Rock’n’core) Sorel-Tracy

Crosstitution– (Grindcore/Death) Montréal

Cryptic Howling– (Black) Rouyn-Noranda

Cryptic Souls– (Death Melodique) Chicoutimi-Nord

Cryptopsy– (Technical Death) Montréal

Crystalis– (Folk Metal) Québec

Csejthe– (Darkambient) Québec

Cyanide Eyes– (Metal experimental) Québec

Daedalean Complex– (Gothic Metal) Québec

Day Against Night– (Hardrock)- Victoriaville

Dagaz (Viking Metal) Montréal

Damnation– (Thrash) Montréal

Dance Laury Dance– (Metal) Québec

Dancing Dead– (Hardrock/Heavy Metal) Chicoutimi

Dark– (Black/Death/Thrash) Rimouski

Darkaeon (ex-Frozen Death)– (Melodic Death/Thrash) Lanaudière

Dark Century– (Death Mosh) Montréal

Dark Circles– (Thrash/Hardcore) Montréal

Dark Covenant– (Doom) Québec

Darkmill– (Grind/Crust) Sherbrooke

Day I Die– (Post-hardcore) Québec

Dead Brain Cells (DBC)– (Thrash) Montréal

Dead Citizen– (Metal/Alternatif) Québec

Dead Elegance (Metalcore) Montréal

Deadly Revenge– (Melodic Black/Death) Rive-Sud

Deadman’s Prophecy  Louiseville

-Deadwood (Deathcore) Montréal

Dear Broken Heart– (Metalcore) Thetford-Mines

Death Brigade (ex-Fleshworm Infection)- (Melodeath) Rive-sud de Montréal

Death Intended– (Prog Metalcore) Québec

Deathlehem– (Black/Death Melodic) Montréal  RIP 2013

Death Lullaby (Technical Death) Montréal

Death Note Silence– (Metalcore) Shawinigan

Deathroner– (BlackThrash/) Jonquière

Deathrow Six– (Death/Thrash) Gatineau

Deboned– (Grindcore) Jonquière

Decadawn– (Melodic Death) Mascouche

Deche-Charge– (Noisecore) Québec

Decimate the Crowned– (Death métal mélodique) Québec

Decline of Faith– (Deathcore) Sherbrooke

Décombres– (Black) Montréal

Decrepity– (Brutal Deathcore) Val d’Or

Defective Paradox– (Metal) Montréal

Defiance– (Hardcore) Québec

Defy Defeat– (Punk) Montréal

Defy the Crown– (Metal/Rock) Gatineau/Ottawa

Dehumanized earth– (Crust/Grind) Saint-Hyacinthe

Dekorum– (Métal) Matane

Demence– (Death) Montréal

Demise of the Crown– (Progmetal) Montréal

Demonorgy – (Black/Death) Plessisville

Demons Keepers– (Punk/Thrash) St-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Deny the Evidence– (Metal) Drummondville

Depths of Hatred– (Death) Montréal

Derelict (Technical Death) Montréal

Derivare– (Hardcore mélodique) Sherbrooke

Désordre Mental– (Street Punk/Oï/Hardcore) Granby

Desospheres– (Melodic Death) Wemindji

Deviant Process– (Progdeath) Québec

Deviant 21– (Crustpunk/metal) Saint-Henri

Devil Drowned– (Death/Thrashcore) Québec RIP(?)

Devil’s Dancers– (metal) Montréal

Devil’s Land– (Metal) Brossard

Diamond of Fire– (Heavy/Thrash) Québec

Died Young & Pure (D.Y.P.)– (Hardcore) St-Boniface-de-shawinigan

Difamation– (Old School Death) Ste-Marie de Beauce

Dilem– (Death métal mélodique) Saguenay

Dinosaurs Are Not Gone– (Metalcore progressif/technique) Saguenay

Diogène de Sinope– (Powerviolence/grind) Québec

Dirt Cannon– (Hardcore) Montréal

Dirt Cake– (Stoner/Rock) Montréal

Disaster’s Gates (Melodic Death)Varennes RIP 2013

Discord of a forgotten sketch– (Post-Hardcore) Montréal

Discorp– (Crust/D-beat) Montréal

Disease– (Death) Québec

Disinclined– (Death) Montréal

Dissed– (Crust/D-beat) Québec

Dissension– (Metal) Montréal

Disthroat– (D-Beat) Québec

Distoriam (Folkmetal) Longueuil

Distorsio– (Mathcore) St-Barthélémy 

Divinations– (Metal/Alternatif) Lévis

Division Devastation– (Deathcore) Québec

Dog Pound– (Punk Sale) Québec

D.O.H.– (Hardrock’n’metal) Montréal

Doom’s Day– (Doom) Québec

Dopethrone (Sludge/Doom) Montréal

Dorkun– (Black) Montréal

Download Live Misery– (Metalcore) Drummondville

Downtrodden– (Slow metal) Verdun RIP 1 février 2012

Dreadful Truth– (Thrash/Death) Granby

Drogue– (Punk) Québec

Drunken dogs (Folk punk celtique) Montréal/Saint-Henri

Duloks– (Punk/Hardcore) Montréal

Dying After Midnight– (Avant-Garde Experimental Prog) Rimouski

Earthquake– (Punk) Québec/Sherbrooke

Easy Aces– (Hardrock’n’roll) Montréal

Eclipse Prophecy– (Progressive Power Thrash) Montréal

Ectopia Cordis– (Brutal Death métal) Montréal

Edelveiss– (Progressive Post-rock) Montréal

Edge of the Earth– (Hardcore) Montréal

Elderoth– (Powermetal) Montréal/Wemindji

Emblem For Damnation– (Death Metal progressif) Beloeil

Empire de Mu– (Blackened Death métal) Montréal

Empty Citizen– (Alternative Metal) St-Jérôme/Montréal

Endast– (Thrashcore) Montréal

End is Near– Melodic Death) Trois-Rivières      RIP 2014

Endless Horizon– (Black Progressive) Québec

Endless Rebirth– (Black/Death Prog) Québec

End of Crisis-(Melodic Hardcore) Montréal

Endvade– (Progmetal/Djent) Mont-Tremblant

Enforcers– (Hardcore) Montréal

Engine of Creation–  (Hardcore/Progmetal)

Ensorcelor– (Blackened doom) Montréal

Epiphany From The Abyss– (Death/Blackcore) Québec

Episcopal Holocaust– (Black Metal) Montréal

Era of Confusion (Black/Death Melodic) Montréal

Erimha (Melodic Black/Death) Valleyfield/Montréal

Esprits Noirs– (Melodic hardcore) Gatineau

Eternal Judgment (Thrash) Mont-Saint-Hilaire

Eternal Wrath– (Black) Québec

[EVERTRAPPED]– (Melodic Progressive Death) Montréal

Evil Can Evil– (Stoner) Québec

Evil Wrath– (Black) Trois-Rivières

Execute the Sinner– (Deathcore) Montréal     RIP 2014

Exhibition– (Punkcore/Métal) Saint-Raymond

Existe– (Post-Black)

Expect the worst– (Hardcore) Saguenay    RIP 2014

Exsanguinate (Death) Montréal

Extricate– (Death métal) Montréal

Exutus– (Métal Progressif) Chicoutimi

Eyes of Sinners– (Hardcore/Metalcore) Montréal

Facing the Comet– (Death métal) Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Fadeless (Métal) Asbestos

Fading Memories– (Hardcore) Montréal

Faithful Synthesis– (Melodic Deathcore) Montréal

Fall of Gabriel– (Metalcore) Montréal

Fall of the Dead (maintenant After Day and Night) – (Metalcore) Clermont

Fallstaf– (Brass Metal) Montréal

False Flag Heroes– (Industrial metal) Montréal      RIP 2014

Fanachronic– (Thrash/Technical Speed) Montréal

Far From Reality– (Progmetal) Montréal     RIP 2014

Farewell Pluto– (Metalcore progressif) Montréal

Fatal Flaw– (Punk/Thrash) Montréal

Fateless (Death) Montréal

Fayne– (Metalcore) Montréal

Feast of Corpses– (Death/Grindcore/Thrash) Sept-Îles

Feeding of Anal Flesh– (Grindcore)

Feed the Paradox– (Progmetal) Québec

Feels Like Home– (Metalcore/Hardcore) Québec

Fictional Sense– (Punk) Port-Royal

FIELDSAWAY– (Punk/Hardcore) Montréal

Find the Missing Word– (Metalcore/Post-Hardcore) Montréal / Repentigny

First Fragment (Technical Death) Montréal

Fistfuck– (Grindcore) Québec

Five Hills– (Hard Rock/Metal) Québec

Fjord– (Viking) Montréal

Fléau Noir– (Métal) St-Césaire

Folkyria– (Folkmetal) Québec

Forbidden Sin– (Metal) Montréal

Forever the Light– (Hardcore) Montréal

Forges d’Ambres– (Black Métal) Rouyn-Noranda

Forgotten Tales– (Power) Québec

Forsaken Flesh– (Death Metal) Montréal

Forteresse– (Black) Québec

Fractal Cypher– (Métal progressif) Montréal

Fracturus (Death metal) Montréal

Freightrain– (Hardrock) Montréal

Fried Pope– (Metal) Montréal

From Existence (Progressive Death) Montréal

Frostbite– (Black) Montréal

Frozen Grave– (Death/Pagan métal) Québec

Frozen Lake– (Black/Folk/Viking) Montréal

Frozen Shadows– (Black) Montréal

Fuck the Facts (Horriblecore) Gatineau/Ottawa

Full Blood– (Punk Garage) Trois-Rivières

Fullcount– (Melodic Punkrock) Québec

Fullmoon– (Metal Franco/Anglo) St-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Furious– (Metal) Québec

Gamble & Guns– (Rock/Hardcore) St-Georges

Genetic Control– (Punk/Hardcore) Montréal

Gerbia– (Punkrock/Garage) Québec

Get the Shot (Punk/Hardcore) Québec

Ghast– (Doom Drone Noise Experimental Down Tempo Funeral) Montreal RIP

God Falls– (Metalcore) Montréal RIP 2012

Godless Requiem– (Melodic Death) Montréal

Godspeed You Black Emperor– (Experimental) Montréal

Go le HibouSaint-Césaire

Goodbye Sparta– (Metalcore) Saguenay

Gorguts– (Death) Sherbrooke

Gouroux– (Hard/Speed Rock) Québec

Grave of Disgrace (ex-Machete)- (Progressive Deathcore) Montréal

Graveyard Strippers– (Rock/Industriel) Montréal

Grimoire– (Black métal) Québec

GrimSkunk (Punk) Montréal

Gloria Victis– (Progressive Hardcore) Estrie

God’s Ashes– (Melodic Doom/Death/Postrock) Montréal

Haeres– (Black) Québec

Hak-Ed-Damm– (Brutal Black) Québec

Half Fold The Universe– (Metalcore/Hardcore/Screamo) Montréal

Half Hour Till Dawn– (Metalcore) Laval

Hands Of Death (Thrash Metal) Montreal

Hands of Despair– (Black/Death/Progressive) Montréal

Hardluck Battleground– (Punk) Sherbrooke

Harriers– (Hardcore) Montréal

Harry’s Code– (Metalcore) Saguenay

Hate it Too– (Punkrock) Québec

Hear my Words– (Post-Hardcore) Trois-Rivières

Heaven’s Cry– (Progressive Metal) Montréal

Heavyweight Division– (Hardcore) Montréal

Hectic– (Prog Grunge) Montréal

Hell Crucificator– (Death métal) Saguenay

Hellborn– (Death/thrash) Trois-Rivières

Hellébore– (Métal Noir) Québec

Hellrider– (Thrash) Montréal

Hell’s Angles– (Grind/Doom/Noise) Montréal

Hempalement– (Black/Death) Québec

Hereafter(Hardcore/metalcore) Terrebonne/Laval

Heretic Blood– (Black)

Heroik– (Epic Symphonic) Montreal

Hidden Pride– (Death)

Hiverna– (Black Folklorique) Québec

Hold a Grudge– (Hardcore/Punk) Montréal

Hollow– (Symphonic Black/Death/Powerthrash) Montréal

Hollow Chapter– (Hardrock/Metal) Laval

Hollow Grief (Power Thrash) Montréal

Holocaust Necropsy– (Death Progressive) Rivière-du-Loup/La Pocatière

Holy Cost– (Gore Grind) Montréal

Holy Mary– (Punkrock) Lévis 

Hopeful Sixteen– (Hardcore) Québec

Hopeless Nation (Thrash/Hardcore) Montréal/Trois-Rivières

Hopeless Youth– (Heavy) Montréal

Horizon Obscur– (Black) Québec

Hostile Funeral– (Modern Thrash) Montréal

Hour of Defiance– (Hardcore/Metal) Québec

Human Nuggets– (Death Garage/Thrash) Montmagny

Humanitopie– (Grindcore Gothique) Trois-Rivières

Humanity’s Disgrace– (Death métal) Laurentides

Hunt the Shark– (Metalcore) Québec

Hybreed Chaos (Death Progressive Experimental) Montréal

Hydronium– (Hard Rock) Longueuil

Hymnosis– (Hardcore/Thrash/Groove) Pincourt/Montréal

Ice Vinland– (Power) Québec

Icewind– (Power métal) Montréal

Idiotpathetics– (Groovecore) Bromont

I Fucked a Wolf(Metalcore) Québec     RIP 2014

I Legion– (Metal) Québec

Ill-Gotten Throne– () Québec

Immoral Squad– (Hardcore) Québec

Impalement– (Death) Montréal

Impure Insight– (Deathcore) Kahnawake

In Beliefs– (Punk) Montréal

Incandescence– (Progressive Black) Montérégie

Infected Karma (Groove Core) Sherbrooke/Coaticook

Infinite– (Metalcore/Djent) Québec – RIP 2014

Inhale the Fire– (Experimental Hardrock) Montréal – RIP 2012

Inire– (Stoner) Aylmer

In Pieces– (Modern Death) Rouyn-Noranda

Inextalis– (Death progressif) Québec

Inner Control (Death/thrash progressif) Kénogamie/Jonquière

Insan3– (metal) Lavaltrie – RIP 2013

Insane Sanity– (Thrash/Death) Québec

Insanitarium– (Thrash/Death) Montréal   RIP 2014

Insight– (Thrashrock/Metal) Repentigny    RIP 2014

Instanzia– (Power metal) Saint-Hyacynthe

Insurgent Inc (Electroindustriel Thrash) Montréal

Insurrection (Death) Hull

Intonate– (Death métal progressif)

Isphérik– (Metal francophone) Longueuil – RIP 2013

Issfenn– (Black) Montréal

Jack’s Slaugthering– (Metalcore/Groove metal) Québec

Jane & Mary– (Hard rock/métal) Montréal – RIP 2013

JARTA– (Black Doom/Sludge) – RIP

Join the Conspiracy– (Death métal technique) Montréal

Juggerhead– (Punk/Hardcore) Matane – RIP 2012

Jugular Scars– (Powerviolence) Québec – RIP 2013

Jupiter’s Red Eyes– (Death) Québec

Just Because– (Punkrock) Beloeil

Justice Civile– (Punkrock/Oï) Cowansville

Justified (Deathcore) Montréal

Kadraal– (Thrash) Montréal

Kaldariach– (Black/Death) Beloeil

Kalter– (Progressive Melodic Death) Québec –RIP 2014

Kanibaal Jö– (Dark Metal) Montréal – RIP

Kaotik– (Death) Québec

Karcius (Progressive/Hard Rock) Montréal

Karkaos– (Melodic Metal) Montréal

Karmatik– (Melodic Death) Québec

Kataklysm– (Death) Montréal/Chicago

Katharsys– (Prog Black/Death) South Shore – RIP

Kemilon (Powermetal) Montréal/Sherbrooke – RIP 2013

Kenaz– (Metal Noir Païen)

Kennedy– (Hardcore) Montréal/Windsor

Khaos– (Groove/Thrash) Montréal – RIP

Kill of Rights– (Heavy Metal) Montréal

KillBorn– (Extreme Metal) Mansonville

Killed by Cover Fire– (Punk/Metalcore) Montréal – RIP

KinnKajou– (Grunge Progressive) Montréal – RIP 2014

Kintra– (Nu-Metal) Montréal/Gatineau – RIP 2013

Kolony– (Hardrock/Metal) Montréal – RIP 2016

Konfront– (Punk) Montréal

Kontrash– (Thrash/Hardcore/Punk/Grindcore) Saguenay – RIP 2013

Korpius (Death) Sherbrooke –  RIP 2014

Korriban– (Sith Metal) Dromund Kaas – RIP 2014

Kriegerisch– (Thrash) Arvida – RIP 2016

Krokmiten– (Experimental Death) Montréal

KRUHL– (Thrash/Groove) Montréal

Krusher– (Death Métal) Beloeil – RIP

Krystalyan– (Death/Thrash mélodique) Saguenay

Kult Kontrol– (Doom) Montréal – RIP

L-Rebels– (Punk) Donnaconna

Lacerated Dominion– (Death) Lévis

LachrymAnopsia (Melodic Death) Longueuil   RIP 2014

La Corriveau– (Metal) Québec

Lacrimae Mortalium– (Doom/Black/Death) Montréal

La Gachette– (Punkrock) Montréal

-Lancaster (Thrash Metal) Québec

La Promesse– (Hardcore/Punk) Rimouski

Last Dance Among Wolves (Metalcore/Hardcore)

L’Aasguard (Viking/blackened metal)

Lay Waste– (Hardcore) Montréal

Leading the Betrayed– (Trash mélodique) Gatineau

Lebensraum (Blackened Doom) Montréal

Le Kraken– (Post-Crust) Montréal

Les Bâtards du Nord– (Black Pagan/Viking) Ste-Hiacynthe/Ste-Rose-du-Nord

Les Ékorchés– (Acousticore) Montréal

Les Gars du Nord– (Progressive metal) Rouyn-Noranda

Lessons of Fate– (Political Metal) Montréal

L’habit me Suce le Moine (Crossover Death Grind) Drummondville

Lifespent– (Hardcore) Montréal

Life On Trial– (Hardcore) Gatineau/Ottawa

-Liva (Symphonic Power Metal) Sherbrooke/Montreal

Lost Creation– (Alternative Hardcore) Montréal

Lost Dimension– (Heavy Metal) Chicoutimi/La Baie

Luther Higgs– (Stonerish post-metal) Montréal

Mad Parish– (Hard Rock/Métal Prog)

Maltodorzo RNR– (Punk’n’Roll) Québec

Magnum Stallion– (Metal) Montréal

Manhattan from the Sky– (Hardcore) Trois-Rivières

Maniac Rockers From Hell– (Métal) St-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Manjmouayltchu– (Grind/Noisecore) Trois-Rivières

Manslaughter Project– (Metal) Québec  RIP

Märchenbilder– (Symphonic Metal) Montréal

Marginal– (Rock) St-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Marionet X– (Metal) L’Isletville

Massive Slavery– (Melodic Death) Rouyn-Noranda

Mass Murder Messiah– (Hardcore) Montréal

Matante Mutante– (Metal) Shipshaw

May Catch Fire– (Metal) Beaumont

Mayhem of Sanity– (Metalcore) Québec

Meat Parade– (Dark) Montréal  RIP

Meat the Grinders– (Technical Death Grind) Sherbrooke RIP 2013

Mécanique du Vertige– (Deathcore) Montréal RIP 2013

Meet the Mailman– (Thrash) Québec

Mellevon– (Melodic Death/Groove Metal) Montréal

Memorandum– (Metalcore) Montréal

Memories of an Old Man– (Experimental Melancholic Doom) Sherbrooke

Menace Ruine– (Darkambient) Montréal

Merkabah– (Melodic Metal) Québec/St-Joseph de Beauce

Mesrine– (Grindcore) Québec

Metalian– (Old School) Montréal/Halifax/Edmonton

Metalord– (Heavy Metal) Québec

Mettlesom– (Metal) Montréal

Mezury– (Death/Thrash mélodique) Val-d’Or

Mikrob– (Punkrock) Montréal

Milanku– (Post Hardcore) Montréal

Mind Control– (Grindcore) Hull

Mind Illusion– (Metal) Montréal

Miroir Miroir– (Progressive Metal) Québec

Miztress– (Thrash) Québec

Modern Crimes– (Punk) Drummondville

Moé pis ma Pelle– (Hardcore) Stukely Sud

Molest– (Black) Montréal

Monarchs of Disarray– (Hardrock) Montréal

Monarque– (Black) Québec

Mononc’ Serge– (Mononc’metal) Montréal

Montreal Carnivores– (Punk) Montréal

Moonlyght– (Progressive Dark) Québec

Morbus Lupinus– (Black) Trois-Rivières

Morgue (Blackened Death) Québec

Morningless (Melodic Death) Saguenay

Mortuas– (Black) Sept-Îles

Mortor– (Thrash/Death) Gatineau/Ottawa

Mother Divine– (Progmetal) La Baie

Mountain Dust– (Stoner Rock) Montréal

Mountains Unfold– (Post-rock) Québec

Murder the Elite– (Hardcore) Montréal

Mürtenscythe-(Experimental metal) Montréal

Murzim– (Metal) Amqui

Mutank (Thrash) Montréal

Mute– (Punk-rock) Québec

My Fatality– (Melodic Black/Death) Sherbrooke

My Hidden Side– (Punkrock) Québec

My Shadow– (Death métal mélodique) Gatineau  

Mystification & Repugnance– (Black Métal) St-Prosper

Mystify– (Hardrock) Terrebonne

Myth– (Thrash) Longueuil

Mythosis (Death/Thrash) Montréal

Nailed Project– (Metal) Montréal

Nälzer– (Black métal atmosphérique) Drummondville

Nascent– (Deathcore progressif) Montréal

Néant Radical– (Post-Crust/Black) Saguenay

Near Grey– (Sludge/Doom/Experimental) Montréal

Necronomicon– (Black/Death) Montréal

NecroticGoreBeast– (Brutal Death/Slam) Montréal / Québec

Necrotic Mutation– (Death) Rimouski

Neige Éternelle– (Black/Thrash) Baie-Comeau 

Nervous Impulse– (Grind/Deathcore) Montréal

Neurasthene– (Black Métal)

Neuraxis– (Death) Montréal  RIP

Neverforget– (Metal) Rivière-du-Loup

Never More than Less (Metalcore) Québec

Névrose– (Blackened Crust/D-Beat) Québec

Nightmare After Dawn– (Experimental metal) Montréal

Nihilism- (Blackened Death) Québec

NoDirectionHome– (Hardcore) Montréal

No Laws Apply– (Punkrock) Boisbriand

NonHuman Era(Progressive metal) Montréal

No One Dead– (Métal mélodique instrumental) Saguenay

No Pity– (Thrash) Québec

No Pressure– (Metal) Montréal

No Pretension– (Hardcore) Montréal

No Real Hero– (Punk) Rive nord de Montréal

No Rush For A Lie– (Métal) Victoriaville

Nordmadr– (Folk metal) Montréal

Norseman’s Wrath– (Hommage à Amon Amarth) Rimouski

Northern Crash– (Métal alternatif) Alma

Northern Storm– (Black) Lachine

Northwalk– (Hardcore) Trois-Rivières

Nothingness Theory– (Metal) Montréal

Nourriture– (Grindcore) Montréal

Nordheim– (Folk/Black) Québec

Norilsk– (Doom/Sludge/Death) Hull

Nova Spei– (Metal) Montréal

Nsidius– (Thrash/Black) Montréal RIP avril 2012

Nushu– (Noise/Punk) Drummondville

Oath– (Death Metal) Sherbrooke

Obey the Brave– (Hardcore) Montréal/Ottawa

Obliterate– (Deathcore) Montréal/Victoriaville 

Obscene Brigade– (Punk) Dorval

Obscurcis Romancia– (Neoclassical Black Death) Montréal

Obscurity Rising– (Melodic Electronic Metal) Montréal

Obsek– (Melodic Death/Metalcore) Rouyn-Noranda

Obsolete Mankind– (Death) Montréal

Of Atlantis– (Post-Hardcore) Montréal

Of Temples– (Technical Hardcore) Montréal

Ogenix– (Electrometal) Montréal/Bangkok

Ogmios– (Folk metal) Répentigny

One Above All– (Deathcore progressif) Montréal

One Day Left– (Metal) Lavaltrie

One Nation Flag (Heavy metal) Québec 

Oneiric– (Metalcore) Québec

Openfieldz– (Hardrock/Alternatif) Victoriaville

OPENYOURMIND– (Groove/Thrash métal) Repentigny

Operation Dynamo– (Punk) Neuville

Order In Disorder (Alternative Heavy) Montréal

Ordoxe– (Old School Black) Ste-Monique

Orital (Death) Sherbrooke

Our Own Demise– (Death métal) Sainte-Martine

Our Souls Evolve– (Metal) Montréal

Out of Order– (Punk/Oï) Montréal

Outlying– (Death mélodique) Trois-Rivières

Outsider– (Metal) Neufchatel/Wendake

Overcome the Juggernaut– (Metalcore) Québec

Overdrunk– (Thrash/Hardcore) Rivière-du-Loup

OVIF– (Thrash) Montréal

Oxydus– (Metal) Montréal

Pagan Flame– (Black) Calixa-Lavallée

Pallor Mortis (Death) Montréal

Pandora’s Wake (Experimental Metalcore) Montréal

Pandore– (Hard Rock/Power metal) Chicoutimi

Paretic Dementia– (Progressive Death) Sherbrooke

Paroxysm– (Death) Montréal

Path ov Amok– (Black) Trois-Rivières

Peace For Kings– (Metal Progressif/Expérimental) Montréal

Peace Out– (Metalcore) Québec

Pear of Anguish– (Melodic Brutal Deathcore) Gatineau

Phosphorus (Black/Thrash) Québec

Plasmarifle– (Death/Hardcore) Montréal/Toronto

Please Wake Up– (Progressive) Montréal

Plus Minus– (Hardcore) Montréal

Poète Maudit– (Post-Punk/Gothic Rock, Black/Thrash Metal) Trois-Rivières

Point Blank Rage– (Death) Montréal

Poison Oath– (Death) Hemmingford

Pole Position– (Punk/Thrash) Montréal

Politess– (Grind) Drummondville

Powercup– (Grindcore) Montréal

Powered by Death– (Thrash) Montréal RIP?

Pray for a Sunset– (Hardcore) Québec  RIP 2013

Prevenge– (Punk) Montréal

Price of Blood– (Post Apocalyptique Lounge) Rimouski RIP 2012

Priestess– (Stoner Metal/Hard Rock) Montreal

Profane Anthem– (Melodic Metal) Montréal

Progenies (ex-Eyeless)- (Progdeath) Québec

Prohibition– (Metalcore) Québec

Pröjekt F (Industriel metal) Montréal

Project Versus (Melodic Death) Montréal

Projet RL– (Doom/Stoner) Alma

Pronostic– (Melodic Death)

Propagator– (Black/Death/Thrash) Trois-Rivières

Propane– (Stoner) Montréal

Psychotic Delusion (Metalcore) Sherbrooke

Public Outsiders– (Hardcore/Punk) Montréal

Pull the Trigger– (Metal/Thrash/Hardcore) La Malbaie

Pure Hate Visions– (Doom/Sludge) Gatineau

Putamen Insula– (Disgusted Metal) Montréal

Quo Vadis– (Technical Melodic Death) Montréal

Radial Velocity– (Heavy Metal) Montréal

Raft of the Medusa– (Death métal mélodique) Québec

Rage Nucléaire– (Black) Montréal

R.A.G.S.– (Punk) Québec

Rat Patrol– (Punk/Hardcore)

Rattitude– (Punk/Thrash) Baie-Comeau

Reach All Monuments– (Hardcore) Montréal

Reanimator– (Thrash) L’Assomption/Montréal

Reason Prevails– (Progressive Metalcore)

Reasons of a world in pain– (Death) Sherbrooke

Rectuum– (Funky Death Metal) Québec

Red Skies– (Metal) Montréal

Redeemed– (Heavy/Prog) Montréal

Rektums– (Punk) Trois-Rivières

Reliquus– (Heavy Metal) Montréal

Restricted Rights– (Crust) St-Hyacinthe

Resurrection Corpse– (Hardcore/Death) Magog

Retardnation– (Brutalcore) Montréal

Retreat– (Punk Progressif) Québec

Reversal– (Hardcore) East Broughton

Reverse of Light– (Métal) Québec    RIP 2013

Rhino– (Sludge) Montréal

Riktus– (Punk/Hardcore) Pincourt

Riotor– (Thrash) Québec

Rise in Honor– (Hardcore) St-Georges-de-Beauce

Rise of Elis– (Deathcore) Montréal

Rising Random– (metal) St-Jérôme

Rockestral– (Cover Hardrock/Metal) Sherbrooke

Rope– (Crust) Québec

Rosewood– (Metalcore) Québec/Ontario

Rusted– (Hardrock) Montréal

Ruthless Sacrifice– (Deathcore) Gatineau

SAC– (Grindcore) Trois-Rivières

Saccage– (Death/Thrash/Crust D-beat) Rive sud de Québec

Sacrementor– (Thrash) Charny

Sacrificed Alliance– (Death métal mélodique) Montréal

Sacrifycia– (Black Métal) Montréal

Sade Slavey– (Hardrock) Montréal

Saink– (Heavy metal) Saguenay RIP 2012

Sale Gauloise– (Punk/Hardcore) Montréal

Sanguine Glacialis– (Death Melodic) Montréal

Sans Amertume– (Metal) Valleyfield

Sarkasm– (Thrash/Death) Granby

Sarpent (Rock/Hardcore) Matane

Satanic glue sniffers– (Thrash) Cap-de-la-Madeleine

Saul Hittner– (Post-Hardcore) Montréal

Sawyerpath– (Postgrunge/Metal) Montréal

Scab Coma– (Oï) Québec

Scarlet Beast– (Hardcore) Montréal

Scream or Die Trying– (Post-Hardcore/Metal) Sorel-Tracy

Scum Sentinel– (Black) Québec

Second Night– (Post-Hardcore) Granby

See Through Secrecy– (Metalcore) Montréal

Seismic Breach– (Melodic Death) Montréal

Self Collapse (Technical Deathcore) Montréal RIP 2013

Self Control– (Punk) Montréal

Self Inflicted– (Hardcore) Saguenay

Selfish Implosions– () Montréal

Seventh (Black Metal Atmosphérique) Québec

Seventh Section– (Metal) Saint-Fulgence

Severed Wings– (Rockcore) Montréal

Sever the Voices– (Djent/Progcore) Montréal

Shade of Sunburst– (Melodic Death) St-Jean-sur-Richelieu

Shades of Dusk– (Death métal) Montréal

Shadow Influx– (Brutal Death) Montréal

Shape the Above– (Metal progressif) Montréal

Shatter It All– (Death/Grind) Saint-Hyacinthe

Shatters– (Progmetal) Québec

Sherkhan Bakhra– (Black/Thrash) Montréal

Show of Bedlam– (Doom/Sludge/Deathrock) Montréal

Shyshit– (Humorous Grindcore) Drummondville

Sick– (Thrash/Death)  RIP 2013

Sightline– (Death métal) Rouyn-Noranda

Sights of War– (Filthy Thrashing Metal Punk) Sherbrooke

Signals Over Skies– (Metalcore) Montréal

Silence In Tragedy– (Post-Hardcore) Trois-Rivières

Silenced– (Death) Québec  RIP 2013

Silent Clash– (Prog/Thrash/Death) Montréal

Skies Across– (Metalcore/techno) Montréal

Skip The Foreplay (Metalcore/Dubstep) Montréal

Sky for Sinners– (Metalcore) Québec

Skyhex– (Heavy Metal) Québec

Skywalker– (Djent progressif) Rouyn-Noranda

Slaughter Season– (Metal) Montréal

Slaughter Slashing (maintenant Politess)– (Extreme Freak Metal) Drummondville

Slaved by Numbers (Grind/Punk) Granby

Slaves on Dope– (Metal) Montréal

Sleazy Way Out– (Hardrock) Montréal

Slick Jesters– (Metal) Montréal

Slugger– (Hardcore/Metal) DSS

Smile– (Fastcore) Montréal

Smirking Revenge– (Death Metal) Drummondville

Snäkeskyn Whïskey– (Hardrock) Montréal

So Shall You Reap– (Deathcore) Rivière-du-Loup

So Far & Until– (Métal progressif) Sherbrooke

Soiled by Blood– (Death) Québec

Soil of Ignorance– (Powergrind) Trois-Rivières

Solinaris– (Métal progressif) Québec

Sombre– (Dark Ambient Progressive Blackened Death Metal) Montréal

Sombres Forêts (Black métal) Montréal 

Sons of Seth– (thrash/melodic) Trois-Rivières

Soothsayer– (Thrash) Québec

Sorcier des Glaces– (Black) Québec

Soul Creation– (Metal) Montréal

Sound Prisoners– (Heavy/Thrash metal) Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu

Soundrive– (Punkrock) Sorel

Southern Cross– (Progressive Metal) Québec

Souverain– (Martial black) Gatineau

Soviet Kong– (Punk) Sorel

Spacemak3r– (Industriel/Nu-Metal) Montréal

Special Ops– (Rock/Alternative/Metal) Montréal

Spelldown– (Metal) Montréal

Spermathron– (Metal) St-Jérôme

Spirit of Rebellion– (Old School Death) Rimouski

Spread Your Guts– (Black/Death métal) Jonquière

Squalor– (Post-Punk/Acid Metal) Montréal

Squidmilk– (Death metal) Québec

Stadaconné– (Party Folk métal) Montréal

Standing on Oblivion– (Progressive Metalcore) Gatineau/Ottawa

Storm Like Wolves– (Hardcore/Metalcore) Gatineau

Strashers– (Thrash) Saint-Honoré

Strigampire– (Melodic Death/Thrash) Trois-Rivières RIP 2012

Strike It– (Hardcore/Metal/Djent) Montréal

Striver– (Hardcore) Québec

Stroke of Genius– (Metalcore) Repentigny  RIP 2013

Stryxvirii– (Black/Experimental/Industrial) Montréal

Subsistance– (Hardcore/Punk) Montréal  RIP 2012

Suburban Disorder– (Punk/Hardcore) Montérégie

Succubus Irons– (Doom/Rock) Québec

Sudden Closure– (Speed/Thrash) Laurentides

Sudden Flames– (Metal) Québec

Sudden Spawn– (Métal progressif) Montréal

Sufferize– (Death/Grind) Saint-George-de-Beauce

Sun of Blood– (Métal progressif) Québec

Sunday Bastards– (Metal/Punk/Rock) Montréal

Super Smashed Sisters– (Hardcore) Lévis

Survival Instinct– (Thrash) Québec

Swarm of Instinct (ex-Cold Insanity)- (Death) Sherbrooke

Swear to Me– (Deathcore) Montréal

Sykode– (Metal) Montréal

T-Bone– (Hard Rock) Montréal

Talamyus– (Viking/Thrash) Montréal

Tales of Destiny (Power Metal) Québec

Talk Sick– (Hardrock) Saint-François

Tapage– (Metal) Jonquière

Tears From the Sky– (Metalcore) Montréal     RIP 2009

Tempête– (Hardcore) Montréal

Teramobil– (Doom Math TechniCore) Montréal

Terminal Phase– (Melodic Death) Châteauguay

Thalion– (Power/Thrash) Saguenay

The Affected (Métal/Hardcore) Longueuil

The Aftermath– (Brutal Death Grind) Québec

The Agonist– (Power Thrash) Montréal

The Alienation– (Punkrock/Hardcore) Amos

The Anatomy of Violence– (Experimental Death/Doom) Hemmingford

The Babyface Nelsons– (Metal/Rock Expérimental) Québec

The Butch Project– (Punk/Thrash/Core) Joliette

The Catalyst– (Thrash) Montréal

The Chronicles of Israfel– (Progmetal) Montréal

The City By Dawn–  (Post-hardcore) Saguenay

The Core Project– (Metalcore) La Baie

The End Came First– (Synthy Blackened Deathcore) Montréal

The End of Gallia– (Post-Metal/Sludge)

The Expectorated Sequence– (Screamo) Montréal

The Flaying– (Death métal mélodique) Québec

The Franks D. (ex- Hell Fire’s Club 666)– (Thrash/Punk) Loretteville

The Great Sabatini– (Metal/Grind/Rock) Montréal

The Horny Bitches– (Punkrock) Montréal

The Hypnophonics– (Psycho Garage Punk) Montréal

The Last Felony– (Death) Montréal

The Last Dawn– (Deathcore) Montréal 

The Lost Skulls– (Metal) Sherbrooke

The Mighty Megalodon– (Doom/Sludge) Québec

The Nailheads– (Old school Punk) Montréal

The Outborn– (Progressive Death) Québec

The Plague of Silence– () Sherbrooke

The Poor Generation (T.P.G.)- (Brown Metal) Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

The Prestige– (Metalcore) Montréal

The Result– (Metal) Sherbrooke

The Saints are Gone– (Death) Chibougamau

The Show Must Go On– (Hardcore) Montréal

The Sleep– (Southern Hardcore) East Broughton

The Stoned Horses (Stoner rock) Québec

The Superstitions– (Punkrock/Metal) Montréal

The Uncounscious Mind– (Black/Death) Rive sud de Montréal

The Unexpected Side (maintenant So Far & Until)– (Post-Hardcore/Progressive) Sherbrooke

The Unvoiced– (Symphonic metal) Repentigny/Montréal

The Wild Hunt– (Epic/Fol/Viking/Death) Montréal

Thick Piss– (Grindcore) Hull

This Town, Going Under– (Post-Hardcore) St-Eustache

Thorvin Vear– (Electrodark ambient) Jonquière

Three of Us– (Alternative metal) Montréal

Throne of Sorrow– (Melodic Death) Montréal et sa région

Through Death– (Death) Montréal RIP

Through the Eyes of A Damned– (Metalcore mélodique) Laurier-Station

Throw ’em a stone– (Punk) Wendake/Québec

Timeless Oceans– (Metal Progressif/Symphonique) Québec

T.O.M.– (Grindcore) Montréal RIP?

Tork– (Metal) Montmagny

Tormentor Allegoria– (Symphonique Black/Death metal) Québec  RIP 2009

Torturer– (Death/Thrash) Québec

Toward Chaos– (Thrash/Melodic Death) Montréal

Towards Darkness (Funeral Doom/Slude/Post-Hardcore) Montréal

Toxic Tormentor– (Thrash) Alma

Trace of Doubt– (Punkrock) Montréal

Trainwreck Architect– (Heavy Metal) Montréal

Transcend– (Progmetal) Montréal

Transe Metal Machine (Thrash) Montréal

Travel Goes Wrong– (Metal) Granby

Tribal Bones– (Trash Metal) Montréal & Rive-Sud

Tribu Kornu– (Folk sauvage) Montagnes du Québec

Tribunal– (eccentric metal) Montréal

Trigger Effect– (Punk/hardcore) Montréal RIP avril 2013

Trinity Blast– (Thrash progressif) Montréal

Triskèle (Black) Chicoutimi

Triumph & Agony– (Hardcore) Gatineau  RIP

Trobar– (Folkmetal) Rimouski

Trollheims-(Folk métal) Trois-Rivières

TrollWar– (Folkdeath) Alma

Truckin’ Outlaws– (Southern Rock) Québec

True North Strong– (Hardcore) Montréal/Québec

Truncheons– (Punk) Montréal

Truth Behold– (Progressive Deathcore) Montréal

Truth or Scare– (Horror/Punk/Hardcore) Montréal

Try to Win– (Hardcore) Montréal

Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha– (Death/Grind) Neuville

Tunguska Mammoth– (Sludge/Stoner) Montréal

Turning Tides– (Alternative rock/Emocore) Montréal

Unbeing– Progressive Epic Instrumetal) Montréal unbeingmusic.com

Unbreakable Hatred– (Death) Québec

Undead Process– (Death) Beauce

Under a Dying Sky– (Alternative metal) Montréal

Under Aspect (Post-Harcore) Montréal

Understone– (Alternative/Hardrock) Montréal

Unexpect (Avant-Garde Experimental Progressive Metal)

Unfallen– (Death) Québec

Unhuman (Extreme Experimental Death) Montréal

United– (Hardcore) Québec

Universe Effets– (Rock/Métal progressif) Québec

Unrooted– (Hardcore) Québec

Unruled– (Hardcore/Punkrock) Montréal

Unsung– (Punkrock) Montréal

Unveil the Truth– (Metalcore) Saguenay

Upon the Skyline– (Djent/Metalcore) Repentigny

Upon Your Grave Lévis

Urban Aliens– (Porncore Deshmetal) Montréal

Uriel– (Black/Death) Montréal

Vacant– (Hardcore/Métal) Montréal

Vaginal Scars– (Death) Montréal

Valfreya (Viking Metal) Montréal

Valknacht– (Black/Pagan) Québec

Vas-y-Line– (Punk) Varennes

Vehemal– (Metal) Montréal

Vengeful– (Death) Montréal

Venomenon– (Thrash) Montréal

Vermin– (Punk) Donnaconna  RIP

Versus Agora– (Progressive Metal) Montréal 

Vicious Teeth– (Punk) Trois-Rivières

Vigilant– (Angry metal) Montréal

Vile Intent– (Powerviolence) Montréal

Violent Honesty– (Thrash/Punk) Québec

Viral Encephalitis– (Brutal Death) Montréal RIP 2013

Virulys– (Black/Death/Thrash) Montréal

Voivod (Thrash Futuristic Avant-Garde Experimental) Jonquière

Voor– (Death/Thrash metal) Jonquière

Vortex– (Metal) Rimouski

Vulgar Deli– (Hardcore’&’roll) Montréal

Vulvopium– (Neocore/Metal) St-Ubalde

Waking from Oblivion– (Metalcore) Lévis  RIP

Walk with Lions– (Metalcore) Québec

Wanderlost– (Métal mélodique) Saguenay

Warcall– (Warmetal) Montréal

Warder– (Metal) Québec

War Measures– (D-beat/Crust) Verdun

Warning Sign– (Heavy Metal) Québec

Warpit– (Thrash/Death) Montréal

Warsenal– (Thrash/Speed) Joliette 

Wasted Legacy– (Hardrock/Metal) Montréal

Wastelands– (Metalcore) Lévis

Watch your step– (Hardcore) Sherbrooke

Watcher– (Heavy/Doom) Montréal

WDNFRA– (Heavy Metal) Montréal

We All Rise – (Metalcore) Gatineau

We are the Suffering– (Deathmetalcore/HardCore/Progressive) Montréal

Wendess– (Métal Noir Atmosphérique) Montréal

We, The Leviathan– (Post-Hardcore) Québec

We Throw Flowers– (Hardcore expérimental) Québec

We’ve Lost Jenny– (Hardcore) Baie St-Paul  RIP

Well Deserved– (Hardcore) Rimouski

When Hate Is Not Enough– (Metalcore progressif) Québec

White Fox Society– (Metal/Rock) Québec

WhiteHall Misery (Melodic Core) Trois-Rivières

Who Cares?– (Grindcore) Saguenay

Whiskey Tax– (Thrash) Montréal

Windpisser– (Metal/Punk/Doom) Montréal

Winterfall– (Metal Progressif) Waterloo

Winterfog– (Black métal) Rouyn-Noranda

Withering– (Beatdown/Hardcore) Sherbrooke

Withering Curse– (Heavymetal)

Without Fate– (Symphonic ProgMetal) Lavaltrie, Longueuil, Granby, Sherbrooke

Without Will– (Punk) Montréal

Worth Dying For– (Progressive/Melodic Death) Québec

Wrath of Olympus– (Metalcore) Gatineau

Wrong Advice– (Hardcore/Punk) Saguenay

Wrong Beliefs– (Hardcore) Thetford-Mines

Wrong Hands– (Hardcore) Montréal

Xothogua– (Doom/sludge) Montréal

Your Last Wish (Death) Montréal

Your last page– (Metalcore) Saint-Gédéon de Beauce

Zombie Attack on Massachussetts– (Punkrock) Magog